
5G and emerging technologies are opening up massive new opportunities and accelerating adoption of AR/VR, wearables, computer vision, cloud/edge computing, and more. Stay ahead as next gen technologies shape the future of business.

Technology Reports

We build our Technology reports upon a foundation of proprietary forecasts, interviews with industry thought leaders, and vetted third-party data, which inform every insight and call we make to set the foundation for your strategic planning. After applying our rigorous proprietary methodology, we examine 5G, AI, automation, telecommunications, and other technologies with a 360-degree perspective. The reports we produce include high-level overviews of the trends, forces, and players affecting the industry, as well as focused insights into specific sub-topics such as AR/VR, wearables, computer vision, cloud/edge computing, and more.

FAQ on the EU’s Digital Services Act and Digital Markets Act
Big Tech Antitrust 2024

Technology Statistics & Charts

Our charts leverage our proprietary data and more than 3,000 third-party sources to provide you with quick takeaways on the most important industry trends and topics. Each chart tells a story in a way that is easy to digest and provides a deeper understanding of a given Technology topic.


Technology Forecasts & Benchmarks

Technology forecasts offer interactive projections with more than 10,000 proprietary metrics on emerging trends and market changes relevant to the connectivity and tech industries. Our forecasts and benchmarks will help you develop your business strategy and forecast growth opportunities with key data points on where your market is headed.